Manager’s Messages

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2022/2023 Budget - Effective August 1, 2022

Each year the Association’s volunteer Board of Directors performs a very careful review of the past year’s expenses and income to best project the amount to collect from each member in the upcoming fiscal year. When reviewing the budget, the Board considers several factors such as: recurring contract costs, inflation, utility usage and rates, insurance, and appropriate reserve contributions each month to pay for repair, restoration and/or replacement of common area components as needed.

There were several factors that impacted the Association’s budget for this upcoming fiscal year.  The cost of labor and materials is on the rise, and those increases are financially impacting the Association through contract increases from service providers and increased costs of maintenance and repair projects.  The cost of utilities goes up every year, and this particular year, a 20% increase in the cost of electricity and water is reflective in the 2022-2023 budget.

This past year, a change in landscape maintenance vendor was made which impacted the budget for landscape by nearly 50%.  The new company discovered that the irrigation on the slopes behind the homes at Santa Gustavo and the slopes adjacent to the homes along Santa Sofia was not functioning at optimum capacity. After conducting an extensive irrigation audit with Andre Landscape and Monarch Environmental, it was determined that the irrigation pump was not working properly, as it had insufficient pressure and was unable to pump water from a lower level to a higher level to adequately irrigate the slopes.  A repair was made to the irrigation pump and the Board is now in the process of having it inspected and plans to continue a recommended preventative maintenance program to ensure this does not happen again.

Each year the Association has a reserve study prepared to determine the current level of reserve funding for the existing components. The recommended reserve contributions were increased by 37% for this upcoming year in order to adequately fund the reserves and meet anticipated expenses.  Due to these factors, the Board of Directors has determined that an increase of 10.87% is needed to responsibly meet the Association’s financial needs in the upcoming fiscal year. Please note that effective August 1, 2022, your new monthly assessment will be $153.00 per month.  If you are on auto-pay, please be sure to adjust your payment to the new assessment amount.

The Board recognizes that the timing of an assessment increase may be difficult for some homeowners due to financial hardships. The Board sympathizes with those homeowners and has carefully considered this in the approval of the budget. Even in times of hardship, the Board has a fiduciary duty to the membership to approve a budget that accurately portrays the forecasted and contracted operational costs for the fiscal year.

The Board of Directors would like to thank all the homeowners for your trust in the Board of Directors as we strive for a peaceful and beautiful place to live.  We would like to acknowledge those of you who volunteer your time to promote the success of our community which includes the Architectural Committee members, Nancy Fowler and Amy Bourne.  Thank you for your thorough and prompt reviews. The newly appointed Landscape Committee, we would like to express our sincere appreciation to the folks who took on the communitywide project for the enhancement of the slopes and the community entrance, JoAnn Buchanan, Amy Bourne, Robert Crowley, Allison Stephen, and Michael Williams for their hard work and dedication to our community.  The newly planted areas look great and have enhanced the appearance of the community beautifully! 

Avoid the Violation Notice

Please be aware that Action Property Management inspects properties to ensure that properties are being maintained according to the Association’s standards and regulations. Notices may be issue to a property owner for the following violations (not a complete list): trashcans out too early or left out past collection day, lawn maintenance, including treatment for weeds of lawn and planter beds, tree trimming, plant replacement to fill bare areas, replacement of artificial turf and lawns, repair or hardscapes, parking violations, painting of house and fences, and architectural applications for improvements without approval. We appreciate your cooperation and interest in the community.

Meet the Landscape Committee

A new Team has been formed – Please welcome Mitch Crowley, Amy Bourne, JoAnne Buchanan, Allison Stephen, and Jeff Williams to the Landscape Committee. The Committee will assist the Board of Directors in partnering with Andre’s Landscape and Monarch Environmental in facilitating landscape recommendations and monitoring of the common area landscape and slopes. We are confident the Committee’s assistance will bring a positive outcome in the beautification of our community. The Committee had their first meeting with our landscape partners on November 18th and will be reporting to the Board at the December 14th meeting. We are are very excited to be working with such an enthusiastic group of people. Thank you for taking a personal interest in our community!

New Director Appointed

The Board of Directors would like to welcome our newest Director, JoAnn Buchanan to the Board! JoAnn was appointed to the Board on November 8, 2021 and will serve in the capacity of Member at Large. She has been a respected member of the Association since the inception of the community. We are very happy to have her join the team and look forward to working with JoAnn. Additionally, JoAnn is taking the lead in her role as Chairperson of the Landscape Committee.

New Landscape Vendor

At a recent meeting the Board of Directors agreed to contract the services of Andre’s Landscape for the Association’s common area landscape maintenance. Andre’s Landscape is an experience landscape contractor specializing in Association landscape maintenance. The Board is very excited about the change and hopeful for a noticeable improvement in the overall maintenance of the slopes and entrance area to the community in the near future. Andre’s Landscape will come on board beginning September 2021.

The Association has also contracted Monarch Environmental to assist with the monitoring of the overall landscape maintenance, as well as to assist with landscape and tree recommendations, development of new landscape projects and overseeing project through completion. In the coming weeks and months the Board and Management will be meeting with the company leaders to determine high priority areas on where to begin to enhance the Association’s landscape.

Last, but not least, the Association is working on establishing a Landscape Committee and Charter in the coming months. The Committee members will work alongside the Board to assist in the day to day landscape recommendations. Additional information will follow to ensure that anyone that is interested in being a part of the Landscape Committee is considered. The Board is looking forward to the the beautification of the community and building successful partnerships!

Annual Community Yard Sale Event

Gather your unwanted household items because it’s time for a Community wide Yard Sale!!! The event is being planned on Saturday, July 17th from 7a.m. – noon. We hope everyone participates and takes advantage of a great opportunity to clear the clutter.

Annual Members Meeting & Election Reminder

The Association will be holding its Annual Members Meeting and Election on Wednesday, June 30, 2021. Three directors’ positions are up for election for a two-year term. If you have not yet submitted your ballot, please send it to the inspector of election, Majority Rules, by the date of the meeting in order to help obtain quorum so the election can be conducted. If you have lost or misplaced your election materials, please contact Action Property Management to obtain a replacement.

Annual Meeting Reminder

The Annual Members Meeting and Election is scheduled for Monday, February 15, 2021 at 7:00 P.M. It will be held via Zoom. The Association currently has a quorum of ballots, therefore, the ballots will be opened and tallied at the meeting. You are welcome to join us!

2020-2021 Annual Budget

The Board of Directors recently approved a budget for the fiscal year August 1, 2020 – July 31, 2021, and are pleased to announce the monthly assessment will not increase. The Annual Budget was recently mailed to the membership.

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